Just because your credit score is poor, don't let that force you into doing business with a fly-by-night credit repair company that only wants to steal your hard-earned money and do nothing to help you restore your credit. In Los Angeles especially, there are hundreds of scam credit repair companies, please don't fall prey to one of them!
Be a smart consumer and do your research first.
Make sure the credit repair company you're thinking of hiring:
Has a track record of helping people and not ripping them off
Has been in business and in the same location for at least 5 years or longer
Doesn't force you to pay large fees upfront before proving they can help you
Actually reviews and discusses your current credit report with you
Gives you a written contract outlining the credit repair services they are going to perform for you
Provides easy access anytime of day or night to view the progress on your credit repair
Offers affordable payment plans to you while your credit is being repaired
Is always available to you by phone or in person to discuss your credit repair
Has many positive reviews online and in writing from real customers that have been helped
We invite you to do your research and we feel you will be very pleased with the helpful and honest people at
Fast Credit Repair Company, proudly serving all of Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, Ventura County... as well as helping folks all across these great United States.
Call for an appointment or consultation, no cost or obligation to speak to our credit repair experts at